Ashperton Primary Academy
I cannot tell you how proud I am to be the Headteacher of such a vibrant, ambitious and happy school. Visitors to our school consistently comment on the calm, purposeful and friendly atmosphere that exists here. Our entire team of staff, governors and parents are deeply committed to providing our children, not only with the very best academic outcomes, but with a creative curriculum and a wide range of activities to take part in and achieve at. This commitment resulted in the opportunity to become an Academy.
If you have any queries about anything in relation to Ashperton Primary Academy, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office.
"Committed to excellence."
We are very proud that our pupils are able to learn in award-winning buildings and the provision of our amazing all-weather play and sports facility has revolutionised sport, PE and playtimes. Visitors, without exception, are amazed at our wonderful facilities. Recent developments are the refurbishment of our playground to provide our children with exciting new play opportunities and the provision of an all-weather outdoor classroom for our Reception children. Our Forest School goes from strength to strength with our fabulous Friends' Association funding the training of two further Leaders. We are extremely fortunate to have access to the seven acre field adjacent to school. We are currently working with Herefordshire Meadows to develop this into a wildflower meadow. This has gained momentum really quickly with support from Buglife, Plantlife and Hidden Herefordshire. Our children have had a wonderful time catching bugs with sweep nets and learning about sheep, the significance of grazing to help maintain meadows and brilliant sheep dog demonstrations. This will form an important aspect of our curriculum. We have also begun planting a school woodland and have had the field mapped for orienteering. I am also delighted to announce the launch of kite flying on the field. We have had a trial run and more kites are on the way! Our children currently enjoy a lovely walk around the field before school starts, its absolutely idyllic. They love the freedom and space.
I hope you enjoy our website and I hope that it conveys the vibrancy of our school and our commitment to providing children with the very best outcomes. If you feel that Ashperton could be the right school for your child please do come and visit. Talk to us about our academic excellence, commitment to sport, our creative curriculum and wider opportunities.
Kind regards
Chris Bandfield