Homework will always be set each week on your child's Seesaw page. Please mark their work and take a picture to add to their journal.
Spellings will also be set on Seesaw with a test, in school, on the following Friday.
Blue Class
Spring 2025
Blue Class are taught by Miss Taylor with the support of Mrs Gardner. We have had a fantastic autumn term together and now get to continue our journey into the spring.
Our theme for the spring term is 'Stones and Bones'. This is going to allow us to explore sound and electricity in science as well as making links to history where we will be learning facts about the Roman Empire and the Stone Age.
There are lots of exciting opportunities for great writing this term. We are looking forward to continuing the development of our imaginative, exciting writing skills. We will start by writing descriptively using Roald Dahl as a stimulus.
The children will improve their independent work, using the strategies of editing to improve their work to the best of their abilities. We will create a non-chronological report and many descriptive pieces of writing. We will also create a discussion piece.
The children will participate in whole class reading each day, as well as having opportunities for individual reading time. Please aim to read daily at home.
As a class, we will continue to consolidate our SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) skills and use them across the curriculum with confidence.
During the Spring Term, we will continue to consolidate all of our previous skills from Year 3 as well as becoming more confident with written methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will also learn to measure accurately and understand perimeter and area.
It is expected that the children know all of their times tables by the end of Year 4. Practising as much as you can at home, is going to be truly beneficial. It is not just about doing well in the test, but knowing the times tables facts is going to be crucial to access the Year 5 curriculum. The children love TTRockstars - I will set the tables accordingly so all of them can access and achieve. Squeebles is also another great app to support times tables learning. Please support your child at home as then it really is so much easier for the children to get to where they need to be.
Please ensure your child's kit is fully labelled (including trainers) and in school every day as we like to make use of our fantastic all weather pitch (MUGA) whenever we can. As a general rule, PE will take place on a Friday. Your child is welcome to bring joggers and a jumper for colder days. We will also use Baggard's Field wherever possible to keep fit and healthy too. Alongside this, we will regularly find time to look after our minds and our mental wellbeing.
Please refer to the website for the correct PE kit.
We start the term by going swimming – please see the letter sent.
We are learning all about "Sound and Electricity” during this term. We will improve our enquiry skills by taking part in a range of enquiry types across the term.
We will continue to explore the religions of Hinduism and Christianity. We will learn about how Hindus take part in daily worship and about some important festivals such as Diwali and Holi. Leading up to Easter, we will learn about the Holy Week and what it means to Christians.
We will continue to focus on a Value each month and will also address British Values within our learning.
Our Wednesday 'Jigsaw' sessions will support our learning, as well as circle times with the children when necessary.
In Art, we are going to be improving our drawing and painting skills by learning to create 3D images. We will use paint to create tints and shades of colour.
In DT, we will be designing and making slingshot cars as well as complimenting our science curriculum by making torches.
We are going to be learning to code, using shapes and then collecting data on loggers. Our esafety lessons will also continue, focusing on safety on the Internet.
We will be singing a lot as we prepare for our Y3 and 4 performance. We will also be exploring the genre of Rock ‘n’ Roll.
In Blue Class, children are challenged to read at least 3 times per week - please record this in the reading record books as the children will receive DOJOs for this. This is also the only evidence that we have to see that the children are reading at home. They will also have the chance to win a book by being part of our reading raffle.
Maths and English work will be given on alternate weeks and spellings will come home every Friday to be tested on the following Friday. Please submit the homework on Seesaw by the following Wednesday so that it can be marked.
It is also expected that children practise their times tables at home - the children love using TT Rockstars.
You will find, at the bottom of this page, some knowledge organisers which the children will be using to support their learning as well as some other resources.
We are always open to offers of help in Blue Class (especially to hear readers) so please do get in touch if you have some time that you would like to offer. It doesn't have to be anything regular.
As always, if there is anything that you are unsure of, then please feel free to send me an email or note. I will always do my best to reply ASAP! I'm looking forward to getting the chance to spend more time with your children and to see them flourish!