Welcome to our school website. Parent feedback: "Lovely culture of respect, kindness and thoughtfulness"; "Pupils are wonderfully behaved. This was evident on a recent school trip that I assisted with. I was extremely impressed!"; "From the first time I visited the school, and the many times since - there is a great feeling of happiness everywhere"; "Superb facilities. The school is the best equipped, has the best physical environment I have seen,(and I've seen a few!) Esp. pleased with the new build and new books"; "My child loves coming to school. Thank you!"; "A wonderfully caring learning environment"; "Wonderful care of the children in Reception"; "Passion, commitment and dedication of the teachers and head"; "Amazing staff - who always go the extra mile for all children"; "After-school and breakfast clubs great for working mums and returning to work mums!"; "Parents are involved in much of school life - sports days, assemblies, coffee mornings, teacher meetings"; "concerns over children are dealt with
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Ashperton Primary Academy

Welcome toAshperton Primary Academy

Orange Class




Welcome to Orange Class

Orange Class consists of 30 hardworking, keen-to-learn children.

Miss Neath is the class teacher, with help from Miss Powell- our super teaching assistant. 





Autumn 2024


Our Learning Journey 



Orange class will cover a range of exciting subjects- English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, PE, RE and Music. All link together to create an exciting, memorable learning experience, for all children. Opportunities to extend this learning further, will be fulfilled through experiences, such as trips and outdoor learning in our wonderful Wild Flower Meadow and Forest School.


In English, we will begin by focusing on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, which can be tested through writing intriguing non-chronological reports about Mini-beasts! Additionally, we will be covering a range of skills, such as creating posters, letters and narratives based off of a range of exciting themes.


In Science, we will be learning about Materials. In this module, all children will learn about the different materials and everyday items/objects, that are made out of these. All children will have the opportunity to explore, compare, experiment and evaluate, during this area of learning.


Our learning in Geography, will focus around whether we live in a hot or cold country, comparing this with other magnificent parts of the world. This will allow us to delve deep into the living conditions of other countries and refine our expertise around the globe. During History, we will be learning about amazing explorers, such as Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong and how they have impacted our world today.


PE is currently on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure full PE kits are in school at all times. This half-term in PE, we will be focusing on Gymnastics and Invasion Games. Pupils will explore and develop basic gymnastic actions on the floor and using apparatus. They develop gymnastic skills of jumping, rolling, balancing and travelling individually and in combination, to create short sequences and movement phrases. In Invasion Games, children will develop their understanding of principles of defending and attacking. They use and develop skills,

such as sending and receiving with both feet and hands, as well as dribbling with both feet and hands. 


Forest School begins 19th September and will continue every Thursday afternoon, until the half-term break. Please ensure all children have suitable kit for these sessions, each week.








KS1 SATS Information


 To help inform teacher judgements, pupils in Year 2 will sit national curriculum tests in English and Mathematics, commonly called SATs.

The tests are a tool for teachers to help measure your child’s performance and identify their needs as they move into key stage 2. This also allows teachers to see how your child is performing against national expected standards.

The last compulsory KS1 SATs were administered in May 2023. They will now be optional. 

Unlike KS2 SATs, KS1 SATs don't have to be administered according to a nationally-set timetable in a specific week. Schools are free to manage the timetable and will aim to administer the tests in the classroom in a low-stress, low-key way; some children won't even be aware they've taken them!




Please read with your child as often as possible (every day if you can).  Research shows that children who read at home, make better progress with their reading generally. This is key for all pupils' ability to learn.


The National Literacy Trust suggests that young people who read outside class, were 13 times more likely to read above the expected level for their age.


Following a study from London's Institute of Education, children who read for pleasure are more likely to advance at a quicker pace in both Maths and English, compared to those who rarely read in their free time. Please encourage your child to bring their reading bag to school every day.





Reading books are changed each week on a Monday. Books can also be changed upon completion, during the week. I hope you'll enjoy these books together and spend the time to discuss the story and interesting word choices.  Please could you ensure Reading Record Logs are filled in.

Spelling sheets will go home on a Monday, to be completed throughout the week, ready for a test on Friday. If a spelling sheet goes missing, please collect another sheet from class. Children will also have weekly Maths or English homework (alternating) to complete in their homework books. Homework will be set every Wednesday and will need to be completed and returned by the following Tuesday. The number of pages and completion date, will be uploaded on Seesaw.

We are looking for parent helpers to come in to hear readers. Please contact me if you can spare some time to help. Thank you.

If you would like to discuss anything or have any queries, please don't hesitate to email me at -

Thank you,
Miss Neath
