Ashperton's governors are proud to be part of this fantastic school! We support the pupils, staff and parents in making it even better.
Ashperton School has 9 governors. The full governing body meets four times a year, and subcommittees deal in greater detail with particular areas. There are three sub-committees:
· Finance, Resources & Audit - which includes finance, pay & personnel, health & safety, pupil discipline & exclusions, and the new building project
· Curriculum
· Headteacher's Performance Management Committee
Paul Mess Became a parent governor in March 2021. Paul has governor responsibility of Science and is a member of the Finance, Resources and Audit committee. He has a child at the school of which he declares an interest.
Staff Governors (3) Teaching and non-teaching staff elected by the teaching staff
Chris Bandfield The Headteacher has the choice whether to be a governor or not; in either case has the right to attend meetings. Chris has opted to be a governor, he has special responsibility for staff training, and is a member of the Finance, Resources and Audit and Curriculum committees. Chris is also the Accounting Officer for Ashperton Primary Academy.
Caroline Bullock Deputy Head and Teacher of Year 4, 5 & 6. Caroline joined the governing body in April 2018. She is the Mathematics Curriculum Manager and is a member of the Finance, Resources and Audit and Curriculum committees.
Julia Baird is a Senior Support Learning Assistant. Julia joined the governing body in July 2022. She is on the Curriculum committee.
Geraint Jenkins (CHAIR) became a governor in November 2020. He is also part of the Finance, Resources & Audit Committee and the Curriculum Committee. Geraint has responsibility for EYFS. He has children at school which he declares as an interest.
Jon Nicklin became a governor in September 2016. Jon has a special responsibility of Safeguarding and is a member of the Curriculum Committee. He has children at school which he declares as an interest.
Alan Bowyer became a governor on 1st September 2022. He is also part of the Finance, Resources & Audit Committee. He has children at school which he declares as an interest.
Dawn Lashbrook became a governor 27th June 2024. She is part of the Curriculum Committee.
David Peeling became a governor 24th January 2024. He is part of the Finance, Resources and Audit Committee and the Curriculum Committee and has responsibility for Science.
Sue Snowball - Resigned 23rd January 2025
Amy Clarke - Resigned 21st November 2024
Jacqueline Dodds - Term ended 24th February 2024, staying on as a member
John Taylor - Term ended 3rd March 2023, staying on as a member
Catherine Bushnell Resigned 6th February 2023
Phil Hagger Resigned September 2021 (He is still a Member)
Eleanor James - Resigned 15th November 2020
Kate Bishop Resigned 7th March 2022
Ruth Nolan Resigned 14th July 2022
Attendance at Governor meetings
Governor | 21st September 2023 | 30th November 2023 | 21st March 2024 | 27th June 2024 | Governor Category | Total Number of Meetings | % Number of Meetings |
Julia Baird | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Staff Governor | 3/4 | 75 |
Chris Bandfield | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Head Teacher | 4/4 | 100 |
Alan Bowyer | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | General Governor | 4/4 | 100 |
Caroline Bullock | yes | Yes | Yes | No | Staff Governor | 3/4 | 75 |
Amy Clarke | No | No | No | No | Parent Governor | 0/4 | 0 |
Jacqueline Dodds | yes | Yes | N/A | N/A | General Governor | 2/2 | 100 |
Geraint Jenkins | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | General Governor (Chair) | 4/4 | 100 |
Dawn Lashbrooke | N/A | N/A | N/A | Yes | Co-opted Governor (Appointed 27th June 2024) | 1/1 | 100 |
Paul Mess | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Parent Governor | 3/4 | 75 |
Jon Nicklin | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | General Governor | 4/4 | 100 |
Sue Snowball | yes | No | No | No | General Governor | 1/4 | 25 |
Governor | 15th September 2022 | 1st December 2022 | 16th March 2023 | 6th July 2023 | Governor Category | Total Number of Meetings | % Number of Meetings |
Julia Baird | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Staff Governor
| 4/4 | 100 |
Chris Bandfield | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Head Teacher | 4/4 | 100 |
Alan Bowyer | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | General Governor | 3/4 | 75 |
Caroline Bullock | yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Staff Governor | 4/4 | 100 |
Catherine Bushnell | yes | Yes | N/A | N/A | Staff Governor (Resigned Jan 2023) | 2/2 | 100 |
Amy Clarke | N/A | Yes | Yes | Yes | Parent Governor (Appointed 22nd November 2022) | 3/3 | 100 |
Jacqueline Dodds | yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | General Governor (Chair) | 4/4 | 100 |
Geraint Jenkins | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | General Governor (Vice Chair) | 4/4 | 100 |
Paul Mess | No | Yes | Yes | No | Parent Governor | 2/4 | 50 |
Jon Nicklin | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | General Governor | 3/4 | 75 |
Sue Snowball | yes | Yes | Yes | No | General Governor | 3/4 | 75 |
John Taylor | No | Yes | N/A | N/A | General Governor (Term of Office ended February 2023) | 1/2 | 50 |
Governor | 16th September 2021 | 2nd December 2021 | 17th March 2022 | 7th July 2022 | Governor Category | Total Number of Meetings | % Number of Meetings |
Julia Baird | N/A | N/A | N/A | Yes | Staff Governor (appointed 7/7/22) | 1/1 | 100 |
Chris Bandfield | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Head Teacher | 4/4 | 100 |
Kate Bishop | yes | No | N/A | N/A | Staff Governor (resigned 7th March 2022) | 1/2 | 50 |
Caroline Bullock | yes | Yes | Yes | No | Staff Governor | 3/4 | 75 |
Catherine Bushnell | yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Staff Governor | 4/4 | 100 |
Jacqueline Dodds | yes | Yes | Yes | No | General Governor (Chair) | 3/4 | 75 |
Geraint Jenkins | No | No | Yes | Yes | General Governor (Vice Chair) | 2/4 | 50 |
Paul Mess | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Parent Governor | 3/4 | 75 |
Jon Nicklin | Yes | Yes | No | No | General Governor | 2/4 | 50 |
Ruth Nolan | yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Parent Governor | 4/4 | 100 |
Sue Snowball | yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | General Governor | 4/4 | 100 |
John Taylor | No | No | Yes | Yes | General Governor | 2/4 | 50 |
The Members of Ashperton Primary Academy
John Taylor - Chair March 2011
Chris Bandfield March 2011
Geraint Jenkins September 2023
Phil Hagger March 2022
Jacqueline Dodds March 2024
Kate Ford - resigned March 2024
Ruth Nolan - resigned March 2024
Name | Governor Type | Declaration of Interest |
Chris Bandfield | Headteacher | Employed by The Academy and Accounting Officer |
Jacqueline Dodds | Governor (Vice Chair) | None |
John Taylor | Governor | None |
Julia Baird | Staff Governor | Employed by the Academy. |
Alan Bowyer | Governor | Children at the Academy |
Jon Nicklin | Governor | Children at the Academy |
Caroline Bullock | Staff Governor | Employed by the Academy. |
Geraint Jenkins | Governor (Chair) | Children at the Academy |
Paul Mess | Parent Governor | Child at the Academy |
Amy Clarke | Parent Governor | Child at the Academy |
Sue Snowball | Governor | None |
Jacqueline Dodds (Chair) can be contacted c/o Ashperton Primary Academy, Ashperton, HR8 2SE and an email for her attention can sent via The Clerks email address.