At Ashperton Primary Academy, we understand that mathematics teaches children how to make sense of the world around them: to calculate, reason and solve problems; to understand relationships and identify patterns. Our intention is to provide a maths curriculum which is enriching and challenging and that fosters a love for the subject as well as an understanding of its importance for their future. Pupils are given the opportunity to be efficient mathematicians in the four rules and be able to apply taught skills to real life mathematics equipping them for future challenges and job opportunities.
We provide a broad and balanced education for all pupil that is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge for skills and future learning and employment. We adopt a mastery approach to teaching mathematics, believing that all pupils can be successful mathematicians. We promote the learning and development of our youngest children and ensure they are ready for Key Stage 1. Our mathematics curriculum is based on National Curriculum objectives and is influenced by the resources and schemes of learning from White Rose Maths Hub.
All pupils, within a year group, work on the same objectives at the same time. However, work is set at an appropriate level, with pupils being given the support and challenge relative to their own developmental needs. We also acknowledge the value of pupils having rapid recall of basic fluency facts such as number bonds, times tables, equivalences etc. Such aspects are developed as an aid to general arithmetic and to free up working memory so that pupils can apply their knowledge to deep thinking tasks and problem solving. All children from Year 1 – 6 take part in daily number bond recall and TT Rockstars for multiplication recall.
We aim for all Ashperton mathematicians to: