Welcome to Green Class!
Green Class are 28 fantastic, enthusiastic Year 3 children. Our teachers are Mrs Wheeler and Miss May and our teaching assistant is Mrs DaSilva. We have a great time learning together! Have a look at our page on the gallery to see some exciting things we have been doing.
In English, we will be writing an information text about extinct animals, trying to apply our excellent knowledge of grammar to form our sentences. We will be looking at a range of texts linked to the stone age in our reading sessions and will be focusing on developing our handwriting skills.
Our science topics this term are rocks and soils, and plants. We will be exploring rocks and soils in our local environment and will even be creating our own fossils. We will be looking at evidence to determine whether trees are plants and will be exploring our local woodland to identify native trees and to find different examples of seed dispersal. We will do a lot of practical investigations to develop our scientific enquiry skills.
In History we will be investigating the changes which happened in Britain from the Stone age to the Iron age. We will look at the shift from stone to metal tools and the impact which this had on farming. We will use British camp on the Malvern hills, as an amazing example of an iron age fort, to complete a local history study.
This term, we will be learning the names of the months in French and also different colours. We will be learning to speak and write sentences about our likes and dislikes.
We will be using out computing skills to create our own stop motion animations using the ipads.
In Geography we will be learning about volcanoes and earthquakes and look at where these are located around the world. We will look at how igneous rocks are formed and how volcanic activity and the movement of the tectonic plates can shape a landscape. We will consider the advantages and disadvantages of living in a volcanic region.
We will be looking at foods from different countries and think about the importance of seasonal, local produce to support a sustainable future. We will consider the impact of air miles in the transportation of food across the world. We will be using our knowledge of seasonal produce to create a fruit crumble, using only autumnal fruits grown and sourced locally. We will do taste tests to decide which ingredients we will use and will design our packaging. We will practise the claw and bridge cutting techniques and learn about food hygiene.
We will be learning to play simple tunes on the xylophones, exploring different patterns and rhythms and evaluating our performances.
We will be looking at how artists use shapes to help them to draw different objects. We will explore the effect of shading, and light and dark, to create a 3D effect. We will look at how bark rubbings can create a textured effect and create our own piece of abstract art using intricate botanical drawings as our stimulus.
Weekly spellings are in half-termly booklets and tested on Friday. Please support your child with learning their spellings and to practise quick recall of the 2,3,5,10,4 and 8 times tables.
Please read with you child for at least three times in the week. Record any reading your child does at home into their home reading record. Please ensure that your child has their reading record with them at school every day.
Home learning tasks in Maths and English will be set on Wednesday and must be completed by the following Monday. Please take a picture of their completed homework and upload it to seesaw.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries concerning your son/daughter.
@ashperton.hereford.sch.uk cmay@ashperton.hereford.sch.uk