Welcome to our school website. Parent feedback: "Lovely culture of respect, kindness and thoughtfulness"; "Pupils are wonderfully behaved. This was evident on a recent school trip that I assisted with. I was extremely impressed!"; "From the first time I visited the school, and the many times since - there is a great feeling of happiness everywhere"; "Superb facilities. The school is the best equipped, has the best physical environment I have seen,(and I've seen a few!) Esp. pleased with the new build and new books"; "My child loves coming to school. Thank you!"; "A wonderfully caring learning environment"; "Wonderful care of the children in Reception"; "Passion, commitment and dedication of the teachers and head"; "Amazing staff - who always go the extra mile for all children"; "After-school and breakfast clubs great for working mums and returning to work mums!"; "Parents are involved in much of school life - sports days, assemblies, coffee mornings, teacher meetings"; "concerns over children are dealt with
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Ashperton Primary Academy

Welcome toAshperton Primary Academy

PE and Sport Premium

During the financial year 2023-2024 the Sport Premium Funding for Ashperton Primary is approx £17740. The purpose of the Sports Premium funding is to develop the quality and breadth of PE in school and to increase the sporting opportunities available to all children. At Ashperton we are committed to providing positive sporting experiences so that children go onto live healthy active lives.  An overview of how the Sport Premium funding has been committed is as follows (a full breakdown can be found below PDF).


We are very proud of the quality and range of opportunities we provide for our children.  We are very pleased to announce we have achieved the School Games Gold Mark.


Multi Use Gaming Area (MUGA)

At Ashperton Primary Academy, we have invested significantly beyond the support of the Sports Premium to further develop the PE and Sport provision at the Academy as well as implement the Childhood Obesity Strategy through the provision of a Multi-Use Gaming Area, (MUGA). We have invested in excess of £160 000. We are also committed to long term maintenance costs and surface replacement costs.

We have chosen a surface that can be used for play time use as well as for sport as those specified by sports governing bodies are not suitable for all footwear types and warranties will become void.

The impact of this development is as follows;

• The location of the MUGA was currently under-utilised. Due to high demand for its use, the drainage of the sports field was poor and the field couldn’t be used for long periods of time, especially in the winter months. Therefore, given the unpredictable nature of the UK’s weather, the MUGA allows the Academy to utilise this previously under used area to undertake a wide variety of physical fitness activities/sports in a greater range of weather conditions.

• More curriculum based PE/Games lessons for classes and groups, as the facility will be able to be used for longer periods and for a wider range of sports. This will include hockey, netball, tennis, basketball, mini football and tag rugby training.

• It enables the Academy to provide high quality experiences for children through high quality surfaces and by attracting high quality coaches.

• The facility is used to host tournaments for local schools, thereby extending its impact.

• The facility is available to the Academy’s Early Years Foundation Stage to increase the scope of their activities in a controlled environment.

• This project benefits our pupils, local schools and in time, the local community. Through providing high quality facilities that enable year round use, users benefit from the physical and mental wellbeing derived through enjoying participating in sport and physical activity. High quality facilities directly impact on the quality of education in terms of PE.

Access to facilities such as this is very difficult for people, especially children in rural areas. We feel that this facility impacts very significantly on the lives of many children and adults, and will provide opportunities that would otherwise prove very difficult to access.
